The most played poker variation in the world is undoubtedly Texas Hold’em. Understanding hand rankings is the first step in the lengthy process of becoming a proficient player, although there are many other things to learn about poker.

It’s not that difficult to figure out which poker hands win, but novices frequently make blunders.

Among the most frequent ones are the confusion over whether a straight beats three of a kind or whether a full house beats a flush.

You’ve come to the correct location if you consider yourself a novice at Texas Hold’em and these are some of the questions you wish to have answered.

You will discover all there is to know about the strength of poker hands in this post.

You won’t ever be uncertain about what wins in Hold’em again, even if you have to read it several times.

How Are Hands Made in Texas Hold’em?

Every player receives two face-down cards at the beginning of a Hold’em hand. Five more community cards are then provided to all players for usage.

To create the finest potential five-card hand combination, each player can use all seven cards that are offered. This implies that you are able to:

  • Utilize three community cards and two cards from your hand.
  • Combine four cards on the board with just one of your hole cards.
  • Just the five community cards should be used.
  • The cards speak when it’s time for the showdown. You will always play the greatest five-card hand that is feasible when you turn over your hand.

Since the dealer will compare every hand and declare the winner, there are typically no issues here.

However, the only way to play correctly is to be aware of all the hand rankings prior to the cards being revealed. Now let’s get started.

Which Hold’em Poker Hand Wins Which?

The hand rating method used in all high poker versions is also used in Texas Hold’em. The good news is that you don’t need to learn anything new if you already know how to play 5 Card Draw or 7 Card Stud.

All of these poker varieties have exactly the same hand values.

However, the following part can assist clear any confusion if Hold’em is the first variation of poker you learnt and you’re new to the game.

A Hold’em hand always consists of five cards, as previously mentioned. It is never possible to use six or seven, and you can never use just four.